Judy "Butterfly" Farlow

Performing Member

Some folks say that Judy was just naturally born talking and has never quit. She inherited her love of words and books from her writer mother and her appreciation of tall tales from her Father. Her inspiration for her “down home” stories come from a multitude of different, and possibly strange, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and her earthy rural grandparents. Judy is a national award winning storyteller and has told stories from backyard picnics, to the “White House” on Pennsylvania Avenue. Whether sharing folk tales, fables, spiritual, historical, motivational, chilling stories or her heartwarming “Down Home Tales”, Judy’s warmth and energy shine through, having you laughing one minute and holding back a tear the next. She has traveled halfway across the world in search of finding and telling the perfect story. In addition to being a storyteller, Butterfly is also a professional clown, teacher and children’s entertainer. She may don a costume and include a touch of magic, face painting, balloons, music or puppets and ventriloquism in her stories, to the delight of her younger audiences. Butterfly’s Fun Company includes a long list of characters.